1. How long does the discovery process take?

Depends on how handy your logo files, font names, and brand colors are. Normally, it takes people about 5-10 minutes to complete.

2. What happens after the Discovery process?

We take a look at the information you provided and either get started right away on designing your website or social media or we get in touch with you for more info.

3. Do I get a chance to see what you're working on?

Absolutely, we keep you in the design loop so that we are sticking close with your vision.

4. Do I get to give feedback?

You bet! Good constructive feedback from you makes our job easier and helps get you launched faster online.

5. How long will it take?

For websites, we strive to launch in just a matter of weeks, not months. Depending on the size and complexity of your site, it could be anywhere from 2-6 weeks.

6. Your website package really starts at $250?

Yep! We believe you'll love your website and working with us so much that we can spread out the development costs for you over time rather than right up front.

7. Is it really unlimited revisions and updates?

We're not happy until you're happy. Websites are never perfect at launch. The social media game changes every week. We help you stay on top of all of the changes.

8. Do you use AI in the development and design process?

Yes, we believe AI is a great resource to make all of us better and more efficient. But rest assured that we always retain the human element in everything we create.

9. Who owns my website, logo, or social media designs?

You do. We're here to serve you and fight for the growth of your business. Neither of us win if we hold your assets hostage.

10. What are my website options after the 24 months?

You've got 3 options: 1) we can continue to partner with you and do all of the updates and maintenance for $150/mo. 2) you can go DIY and continue to host your site through us for $50/mo. 3) want a fresh redesign in year 3? We can start a new 24 month partnership at the current rates and give you a brand new design.

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